Saturday, December 31, 2011


descent-line from Akkadian & Babylonian Emperors with links to Assyrian Kings & other ancient royalty

for Nimrod's story
01. Nimrod [AEthiops] [Ninus], 1st King of Sumeria, styled self "King of The World", the world's first civilization
= Semiramis, widow of Puluku [Peleg], Viceroy of Syria, by whom she bore a son, namely, Reu, Nimrod's step-son
02/01 Bel [posthumous son] a.k.a. Tammuz, 1st King of Babel
ancestor of the Kings of Babel [or Sumer] [10 kings]
03/02 El-Lulim
04/03 El-Agar
05/04 En-men-lu-anni
06/05 En-men-gal-anni
07/06 Dumu-zi
08/07 En-sipa-zi-anni
09/08 En-men-dur-anni
10/09 Urbar-Tutu (Ubara-Tutu)
11/10 Zi-U-Sudra, [last] King of Babel, father of Gaur, 1st King of Kish
12/01. Gaur, 1st King of Kish, 1st-Dynasty [23 kings], son of above
13/02. Mesilim [Melam-Kish], King of Kish
14/03A Hiah-Kish
= Nidaba [Nunbarshegunu], queen & regent
14/03B Pali-Kinatim, King of Kish
15/04. Nangish-Lishme
16/05. Bahina
17/06. Bu-an-[...]-um
18/07. Kalibum
19/08. Qalumu [Kalumumu]
20/09. Zuqaqip
21/10. Atabba
from whom descends
35/23. Agga, 23rd King of Kish, killed vs King Enkhegal of Lagash, who overthrew Kishite domination
(1)/(36a) Mes-agga-sheri, 1st King of Erech [1st Dynasty: 12 kings]; son, the bro of
(2)/(36b) Mes-anne-paddi, 1st King of Ur [1st Dynasty: 3 kings]
issue of (36a) Mes-agga-sheri, 1st King of Erech (above), was:
37. En-merkar, son
38. Lugal-banda, son
39. Dumu-zi [II], son
40. Qayin, King of Kish
41. Etana "The Shepherd", 13th King of Erech
= Haziana
42. Balih, King of Kish
43A En-men-nunni, son
43B Bar-Sal-Nunni, bro, King of Kish
44. Tiskar, son
45A Ilku
45B Ilte-Sadum
46. En-me-barage-si
47. Aka, King of Kish
48. Gilgamesh, 5th King of Erech, visited Uta-Napishtim [Neptune], who is suspected to have been Noah, the Bible figure, who was then still alive]
49. Utukhegal, 7th King of Erech
50. [name]
51. Ur-Nungal, 8th King
52. Utu-Kalamme
53. Labba-[...]-ir
54. E-nun-dara-anni
55. Mes-He
56. Melam-anni, 11th King
57. Lugal-Ke, 12th King of Erech, overthrown by Queen Kubau of Kish [3rd Dyn.], father of Agga, the royal heir
58. Agga, son of above, heir of Erech's 1st-Dynasty; held prisoner by Queen Kubau
59. Utte-Bel, alias Laibum, son, captive prince, private handy-man & gardener, and/or paramour to Queen Kubau
= Azupirana, an high-priestess, and/or, "lady-in-waiting" to Queen Kubau [who was ultimately overthrown by [1st] King Unzi of Akshak [6 kings]]
[note: King Unzi of Akshak permitted the succession of Queen Kubara's son, Pzu-Zin, who founds the 4th-Dynasty of Kish [7 kings]. His brother, Ur-Za-Baba, [2nd] King of Kish [4th Dyn.], was overthrown by his cup-bearer, Sargon, who usurped the throne. [note: It was the general custom at that time to have a hostage-prince from another country as the "cup-bearers" in foreign courts.] [note: the above is Sargon's "biological" parentage, however, his "official" parentage was that he was the adopted son and appointed-heir of Queen Kubau, spawned by one of her three husbands]
60/01. Sargon I "The Great" [or, Saru-Kin "L'Ancien"] [nat. son of Utte-Bel, alias Laibum, captive Erech prince, begotten by Azupirana, an high-priestess, who gave the babe to Queen Kubau to raise], 1st King of Akkad [Agade], formerly King of Kish
= Tashlultu, dau of King Lugal-Zaggisi [Lugal-zaggwe-si] of Erech
He deposed King Ur-Za-Baba of Kish [4th-Dyn.], usurped the throne as the 5th-Dynasty of Kish/Kush, and, went on to conquer all the Sumerian city-states, and revived the Sumerian empire, uniting it federally by simply establishing a new nationwide capital-city at Akkad [Agade], rather than at Kish. Hence, the 5th-Dynasty of Kish became the Dynasty of Agade [12 emperors], while the brother of Ur-Za-Baba of Kish, namely, Zimu-dar, reigned under Sargon, Sumerian/Akkadian Emperor, as his vassal-king; and he was succeeded by his son, Usi-watar, reckoned as a continuation of Kish's 4th-Dynasty, who were vassals to the Akkadian emperors.
61/02. Man-Ishtusu, 3rd King, son, bro of Rimush, 2nd King
= [name], dau of Kaku, last King of Ur, 2nd-Dyn., son of Lugal-Kisal-zi, King of Ur, son of Balulu, King of Ur, son of Alla, "1st" King of Ur's 2nd-Dynasty
62/03. Narim-Sin "The Great", 4th King, son
marched his armies west from Mesopotamia, overran 6th-Dynasty Egypt, which thereupon became 7th-Dynasty [Upper Egypt] & 9th-Dynasty [Lower Egypt]; and proceeded through North Africa to Morocco and the Atlantic Ocean; and, marched his armies north from Mesopotamia into Turkey, and made an incursion into Greece; occupied Thrace (?); and, in another campaign marched his armies east from Mesopotamia all the way to India, over-running several countries along the way; and, made contacts with the Chinese
= Summarrat, queen-regent, a Sumerian princess
63A/(04a) Sar-Kali-Sharri, 5th King [who, by Tatasharlib, dau of Sharbe, King of Umma, another Sumerian city-state], was the father of three sons: (1) Irgigi, 6th King; (2) Nanum, 7th King [father of Emi, 9th King]; & (3) Sunim [Su-Mum], 8th King [father of Elulu, 10th King]
63B/(04b) Kikuld, King of Lagash, father of Engilse, King, father of Uri, King, father of Lugal-usum-gal, King, father of Puzur-Mama, King, father of Ur-Nin-Kimar, father of Ur-Bawa, King of Lagash [son-in-law, Gudea, King of Lagash, father of Ur-Nin-Girsu, King of Lagash], &, bro, Ur-Gara, King of Lagash
[note: Ur-Nin-Girsu, King of Lagash 2122-2118, was the father of Pirig-Me, King of Lagash 2118-2115], father of Ur-Gara, King of Lagash [his successor, Nammahazi, King of Lagash 2115-2111, was the husband of one of Ur-Bawa's daughters]; Ur-Nin-Suna, bro of Ur-Nin-Girsu, was governor of Lagash 2111-?; his son, Ur-Nin-Khimare, was governor of Lagash after him, and, his son, Lu-Kirilazi, was governor of Lagash after him. His son-in-law, Ur-Nanna, succeeded his wife's father as governor of Lagash ?-2023. Had sons & daus, ancestors [by way of various links] of Hammurabi "The Great" see below]
63C/(04c) Bingani-ar-ali, 9th King, father of (64A) Dudu, 11th King; (64B) Bar-Nebo-Az-Beli, resistance-leader (below); &, (64C) Ilu-sar-sid, claimant
64A/(05a) Dudu, 11th King, the father of Shu-Turul [# 65 below]
65. Shu-Turul [Su-Durul], 12th King, deposed by Gutians;
note: his sister [name] married Ushpia, King of Assyria, the father of Apiashal, King of Assyria
(66) Ur-Nigin, vassal-king of Akkad, Erech [4th-Dyn: 5 kings], etc., the father of
67. Ur-Gigir [son of Ur-Nigin], father of
68. Kudda, father of
69. Puzur-ili, father of
70. Lugal-Melam, King of Agade, King of Ur [2nd Dynasty], bro of Ur-Babbar, 5th King of Erech
71. Ur-Uttu, King of Erech
72. Ur-Hegal, King of Erech, overthrown by Ur-Namma, who founds Ur's 3rd Dynasty
73. Lugal-Kaku, King of Erech, overthrown by King Lugal-ane-mundu of Adab
74. dau, wife of (16) Nammahazi, King of Lagash
75. Ur-Ninsuni
76. dau, wife of (17) Asmadu (below)
(64B) Bar-Nebo-Az-Beli, resistance-leader against the Gutians, who were driven out of Mesopotamia by the native Sumerians
65. Aram-Madara, a Babylonian king
66. Tubti-Yamuta, bro of Puzur-Asher
67. Yamquzzu Halami
68. Heana
69. Namzu
70A Didanu, bro of (70B) Ushpia, bro of (70C) Tudija, 1st King of Assyria
71. Amnanum
72. Yakrurum
73. Ipti-Yamuta
74. Buhazuni
75. Su-Malika
76. Asmadu
= [name], dau of Ur-Ninsuni (above)
77. Abi-Yamuta
78. Abi-Ditan
79. Mam[...]
80. Su[...]mi [Sumu-Abum]
81. Adi-Banaya
82/01. Sumabi, 1st King of Babylon [1st Dynasty: 11 kings], c 2000BC
02. Samulawli
03. Sumulailu, King of Babylon
04. Zabu [Sabium], King of Babylon
05. Apil-Sin, aka Lugal-Ibili, King of Babylon
= [name], dau of Nabi-Ilisu, vassal-king of Akkad
06. Sin-Muballit, King of Babylon
07. Hammurabi "The Great", King of Babylon, c 1750BC
conquered the whole of Mesopotamia, which he turned into Babylonia
(08a) Samsu-iluni, King of Babylon
(08b) Abbael I, Prince of Aleppo, ancestor of (20) Kirgal-darabari, King of Zealand (below)
(08c) [name], a daughter, wife of [name], King of Asyria
08. Samsu-iluni, King of Babylon, son, father of
09. Abieshu, or Abi-Eshuh, or Ibi-Ishuni, are alternate spellings of his name, son of predecessor, King of Babylon
10. Ammiditana [Ammi-Ditana], son, King of Babylon
11. Ammi-Zaduqa, son, King of Babylon
12. Samsuditana [Samsu-Ditana], son, King of Babylon, last "1st" Dynasty king, overthrown by Hittite King Mursili I, c 1575BC, sought refuge in the "Sea Lands" of Southern Mesopotamia
13. Shishku, crown-prince, resistance-leader vs Hittite King Hantili I
14. Ilumailu, son/or bro of Shishku, the crown-prince, founded "1st" Zealand ["Sea-land"] Dynasty [12 kings]
15. Itti-ili-nibi, 2nd King of Zealand
16. Damiqilishu, King of Zealand
17b. Shushshi, King of Zealand, bro of (17a) Ishkipal, King of Zealand
= [name], a Babylonian co-heiress
18. Gulkisar [Muabbit-kishshati], King of Zealand & Babylonian Emperor
19. Peshgaldaramash
20. Kirgal-darabari, King of Zealand
= [name], dau of (19) Ilimilimmi II, Prince of Aleppo
21. Aidarakalamma, King of Zealand
22. Akurulana, King of Zealand
23. Milammi-Kurkuri, King of Zealand
24b. [name], sister of (24a) Eagamili, 12th King of Zealand
= Kashtiliash III, Kassite King, Babylonian Emperor ["Seventh" Dynasty] c. 1500-1475?
25b Ulamburiash, Babylonian Emperor c. 1475, bro of Babylonian Emperor (25a) Agum III
26. Kadash-Mankharbe I, Babylonian Emperor c. 1450
son of Kara-Khardash & wife, Muballitat-Seruash, dau of Asshur-uballit, King of Assyria
27. Kara-Indash
28. Kurigalzu I, Babylonian Emperor c. 1425, bro of Karaindash, Babylonian Emperor c. 1400
29. Kadashman-Enlil I, Babylonian Emperor c. 1400-1375; his sister [name], was one of the wives of Egypt's Amenophis III
30. Burnaburiash II, Babylonian Emperor c. 1375-1350
31A Kara-Khardash II, Babylonian Emperor c. 1350 [father of (32) Kurigalzu II], bro of (31B) Nazilbugash Babylonian Emperor 1347-1345 abdique
32. Kurigalzu II, Babylonian Emperor c. 1325, son of (31A) Kara-Khardash II
He fought Bel-nirari of Babylon, in which the latter was victorious, and this, in turn, brought about a rearrangement of the boundary line between Assyria & Babylonia. He begot
33. Nazimaruttash, Babylonian Emperor c. 1300
34. Kadashman-Turgu, Babylonian Emperor
35. Kadashman-Enlil II, Babylonian Emperor c. 1275
36. Kudur-Enlil, Babylonian Emperor 1265-1256BC
37. Shagarakti-Shuriash, Babylonian Emperor c. 1250
38. Kastiliashu IV, Babylonian Emperor c. 1243-1235, deposed by an Assyrian invasion
39. Tukulti-Ninurta I, Babylonian Emperor 1235-1228, abdique
40A Enlil-Nadin-Shumi, Babylonian Emperor 1228, bro of (40B) Kadashman-Harbe II, Babylonian Emperor 1228-1225, bro of (40C) Enlil-Nadin-Apla, Babylonian Emperor 1225-1224, bro of (40D) Adad-Suma-Iddina, Babylonian Emperor 1224-1219, bro of (40E) Adad-shum-Usur, Babylonian Emperor 1219-1189, who felt himself strong enough to follow up the advantage already gained by the restoration of his family to power; and actually attacked Assyria, from which he was only with great difficulty repulsed by the Assyrians.
41. Mélisipah [Meli-Shipak; Melishikhu], son, Babylonian Emperor 1189-1174
42.Mérodach-Baladan I [Marduk-Apal-Iddina; Marduk-apal-iddina], son, Babylonian Emperor 1174-1161. He invaded Assyria and stripped the once powerful kingdom of all its southern territory and part of its northern and western territories.
43A Zabuba-Suma-Iddina, Babylonian Emperor 1161-1160; bro of (43B) Enlil-Nadin-Akhi, Babylonian Emperor 1160-1157/1150, survived sack of Babylon by the Elamites
44. dau, the Babylonian heiress
= Marduk-Kabit-Akhe [Marduk-Kabitahkeshu], King of Isin; Babylonian Emperor 1157-1139; founds 4th Dynasty of Babylonia [the 2nd-Dynasty of Isin inherits the Babylonian throne] 1157-1025
45A Itti-Marduk-Balatu, son, Babylonian Emperor 1139-1131; bro of (45B) Ninurta-Nãdin-Sumi, Babylonian Emperor 1131-1125; father of
(46a) Nebuchadnezzar I (below)
(46b) Marduk-Nadin-Akhe
(46c) Marduk-Sapik-Zari [Marduk-shapik-zer-mati]
(46d) Enlil-Nãdin-Apla I
46A Nebuchadnezzar I, Babylonian Emperor c. 1100, crushed the Elamite state:
(47a) Enlil-Nadinapli [Enlil-Nãdin-Apla I]
(47b) Adad-shum-usur
47. Enlil-Nadinapli [Enlil-Nãdin-Apla I], Babylonian Emperor c 1075
48. son, fl. c. 1050, bro of Adad-Apla-Iddina, Babylonian Emperor
49. Simmashshihu, King of Zealand (1025), bro of Eamukinshumi (1005), King of Zealand
50. Kashunadinakhe, King of Zealand (1000)
51. son, fl. c. 1000/975
= [name], grand-daughter of Babylonian Emperor Adad-apal-iddina
52. Nabo-mukin-apli [Nabu-ukin-abli], son, Babylonian Emperor c. 975-950BC, founds Babylon's "Eight-Dynasty"
53. Marbiti-akhe-iddin, Babylonian Emperor, bro of Babylonian Emperor Ninurta-kudurri-usur II, father of Shamash-mudammiq, Babylonian Emperor
54. Samas-Mudammiq [Shamash-mudammik], son, Babylonian Emperor c. 940-900; = [name], sister of Adad-nirari II of Assyria
55. Nabu-Suma-Ukin I [Nabushum-ishkun], son, Babylonian Emperor c. 900-855;
= [name], daughter of Adad-nirari II of Assyria
56. Nabu-apal-iddin [Nabu-Apla-Iddina]
= [name], sister/or daughter of Asshurnazirpal of Assyria
57A Marduk-zera-uballit, prince, bro of Babylonian Emperor (57B) Marduk-bel-usate & Babylonian Emperor (57C) Marduk-Zakir-Shumi I [Marduk-nadinshum]
58B Bau-akh-iddin, Babylonian Emperor 813-812, bro of (58A) Marduk-Balatsu-Iqbi, Babylonian Emperor 819-813
= [name], daughter of Adad-nirari III of Assyria, see
59. Marduk-Sadin-Sumi [Marduk-shakin-shumi], Babylonian Emperor 811-810
60. Eriba-Marduk, Babylonian Emperor c. 750BC
61. [name], daughter, heiress, sister of Nabu-Suma-Iskum, Babylonian Emperor
= Balasu (Belesys), chief of the Dakkuri, a Chaldean tribe
62. Yakin, prince, bro of Nabu-mukin-zeri, Babylonian Emperor 731-729, called first king of Babylon's "Ninth Dynasty"
= dau of Nabo-shum-ukin II, Babylonian Emperor 732, reckoned last king of Babylon's "Eigth Dynasty"
63. Nabonassar (Nabu-nasir, Nabonassar) (748-734 B. C.).
(1)/(64A) Nabu-Nãdin-Zari, son, Babylonian Emperor 734-732 abdique.
(2)/(64B) Nabu-Suma-Ukin II, bro, Babylonian Emperor 732 (below)
(3)/(64C) Nabu-Mukin-Zari, bro, Babylonian Emperor 732-729
64. Nabu-Suma-Ukin II, Babylonian Emperor 732
65. Merodach-balladan II [Marduk-apal-iddin II], Babylonian Emperor 721-710 & 703, bro of Marduk-Zãhir-Sumi II, Babylonian Emperor 703
66. Ilu-bani, prince, bro of Bel-ibni, Babylonian Emperor 703-700
67. Nabu-kudurri-usur, prince, half-bro of Assur-nadin-sumi, Babylonian Emperor 699-694, Nergal-usezib, Babylonian Emperor 693, & Mushezib-Marduk, Babylonian Emperor 692-689
68. Bel-ibni, Governor of Zealand, a Babylonian province, c. 650BC
69. Nabopolassar [Nabu-apal-usur II], Babylonian Emperor 625-605
= Shuadamqa, dau of Samas-sumi-ukin, viceroy of Babylonia under the Assyrian king
(70a) Nebuchadnezzar II (below)
(70b) Nabu-suma-ilisir
(70c) Nabu-balatsu-iqbi, father of Babylonian Emperor Nabonidus 556-539 (below) by wife Adad-guppi, dau of Ashur-etil-same-ersiti-uballitsu, bro of Ashurbanipal, King of Assyria 669-626
70. NEBUCHADNEZZAR II, Babylonian Emperor 605-562 (above)
=1 Amytis, dau of Cyaxares, King of Media
=2 Sharrat of Assyria, prob. dau of Ashur-uballit II, last Assyrian king
=3 Nitokris, dau of Egyptian Pharaoh Necho II
issue of 1:
(1)/(71a) Evil-Merodach [Amel-Marduk], Babylonian Emperor 562-560
note: Evil-Merodach [Amel-Marduk], Babylonian Emperor 562-560
=1 [name]; =2 [name], a Jewish princess, widow of Shealtiel, captive royal Jewish heir, & mother of Zerubabel, post-exilic royal Jewish heir
issue by 1:
(72a) Indu (dau),
(72b) Amytis (dau), [1st] wife of Sheshbazzar, a.k.a. Zerubabel, royal Jewish prince
(72c) Kati (dau)
issue of 2:
(2)/(71b) Kash[sh]aya (dau), wife of Neriglissar [Nergal-shar-usur], Babylonian Emperor 560-556, &, mother of
(72a) Labash-Marduk, Babylonian Emperor 556, and, two daus, namely:
(72b) Gigitum [wife of Nabu-shuma-ukin, a Babylonian prince] &
(72c) Amytis [one of the wives of CYRUS [II] THE GREAT, 1st Shah of Persia, &, mother of his daughter, Atossa]
issue of 3:
(3)/(71c) Neitaqert (Nitocris) (daughter), wife of Nabonidus [Nabu-Na'id], Babylonian Emperor
71. Neitaqert (Nitocris) (above)
= Nabonidus [Nabu-Na'id], Babylonian Emperor 556-539 (above)
(1)/(72a) Belshazzar, last Babylonian Emperor 539BC, father of a son [name], claimant 539BC, father of Bel-simanni, claimant 528BC, father of Samas-eriba, claimant 482BC, last Babylonian prince
(2)/(72b) Nidintu-Bel [Nabu-kudurri-usur], claimant 522 (below)
(3)/(72c) Bel-shalti-nanna (dau), married a Persian prince
(4)/(72d) Akabu-uzama (dau), married a Persian prince
(5)/(72e) Ina-esagila-ma (dau), married a Persian prince
72. Nidintu-Bel [Nabu-kudurri-usur], claimant 522 (above), styled self as Nebuchadnezzar III
= [name], dau of ...
73. Nebuchadnezzar [IV], claimant 521 (ex 519)
= [name], dau of ...
74. Andria [Andia], the Babylonian heiress
= Artaxerxes I, Shah of Persia 465-425/4, his 4th wife
75. Parysatis (dau)
= Darius II "Nothus", Shah of Persia 423-404 [her half-bro]
76. Artaxerxes II, Shah of Persia 404-359
= Aspasia [his 4th wife]
77. Apama (dau)
= Pharnabazus, Satrap of Daskalytis (d387/374)
78. Amastris (dau)
= Spitamenes, Satrap of Bactria
79. Apama (dau)
= Seleucus I, King of Syria 312/305-282/280 [his 1st wife]
80. Achaeus [Achaios], prince (d267)
= Aesopia, nat. dau of ALEXANDER [III] "THE GREAT" of Macedon-Greece by Barsine, dau of Artabazus, Satrap of Bithynia (d325)
81. Alexander [V], governor of Sardis, claimant to grandfather's empire (d243)
= Nysas
82. Athena, sis of Philip [V], claimant 232BC vs Demetrius II of Greece
= Agathocles of Megalopolis
83. Alexander [VI], claimant (d192) vs Philip V of Greece
= Apama
84. Apama, sis of Philip [VI], claimant 192BC vs Philip V of Greece
= Amynandros of Athamanie (d189)
85. Alexander [VII], claimant (d145)
= Cleopatra of Commagne
86. Cleopatra
= Mithradates VI "The Great", King of Pontus 121-63BC
87. Cleopatra
= Tigranes II "The Great", King of Armenia 95-56
88. daughter
= Mithradates III, King of Parthia 57-55BC
89. Ariobarzanes of Atropatene
= daughter of Castor I Tarcondarius, King of Galatia (d42), &, wife, daughter of Seiotarus, King of Galatia & Pontus, &, wife, Stratonice, daughter of Mithradates VI "The Great", King of Pontus (above), &, wife, Antiochis, daughter of Attalus II "Philadelphus", King of Pergamum, &, wife, Stratonice, daughter of Ariarathes IV, King of Cappadocia
90. Artavasdes, Prince of Atropatene, d20BC
= daughter of Antiochus I, King of Commagene, &, wife, Isias Philostorgos
91. Darius, Prince of Atropatene, d10BC
= daughter of Phraates IV, King of Parthia
92. Vonones II, King of Parthia 10BC-AD51
93. Vologasus I, King of Parthia AD 51-77
= X of Armenia
94. Meherdates, Prince (d76)
= Awde, daughter of Mannos VI, King of Osrhoene, &, wife, daughter of King Izates II of Adiabene
95. Sanatruces I, King of Armenia 114-117
96. Vologasus I, King of Armenia 117-140
97. Ghadana
= Parsman II [Pharasmenes] "Kveli", King of Iberia [Georgia] 113-122? [or 116-132]
98. Rhadamist[us] [Adam], King of Iberia 122/9-132/5
99. P'arsman III, King of Iberia 132/5-182/5
100. daughter
= Vologases II "The Great", King of Armenia 180-191, became Arsaces XXIX Vologases V/IV, "Great-King" of Parthia 191-208
101. Chosroes I "The Brave", King of Armenia 191-217
102. Tiridates III/II, King of Armenia 238-252
103. Chosroes II "The Valiant", King of Armenia 279-287 (d297)
= Alcathoe, daughter of Rhescuporis IV, King of Bosphorus [Ukraine]
104. Tiridates V/IV [Tiran[es] "Helios"] "The Great", King of Armenia 298-330,
= Ashken, daughter of Ashkhadar, King of the Osseti [Assyrians]
105. Chosroes III "The Short", King of Armenia 330-6, 337-9
106. Bambishen
= Athenogenes (At'anakines), Prince Suren-Pahlav (d353)
107. St. Narses "The Great", Primate of Armenia, Prince of the Gregorids (d373)
= Sandukht, daughter of Vardan I, Prince of the Mamikonids
108. St. Sahak [Isaac] "The Great", Prince/Primate, d438
109. Sahakanoysh, the Gregoridan heiress
= Hamazasp I, Prince of the Mamikonids, High-Constable of Armenia 387-432 [note: the Mamikonids descended from Mancaeus, an exiled Chinese prince, who defended Tigranocerta from the Romans in 69BC, and, through him, from ancient Chinese emperors]
110. St. Hmayeak, a general (d451)
= Dzovik, daughter of Vram Artsruni
111. Vard, Marzpan [Governor] of Armenia 505-509/514
112. Hmayeak (Hmaycek), Prince, d555
113. Mousegh I, Governor of Armenia 591-593
114. Vahan II "Le Loup", Governor of Armenia 593-606
115. David, Prince of Taron, d620
116. Hamazasp III, Governor of Armenia 656-661
= daughter of Theodor Rshtuni
117. Hrahat, Prince, d732
118. David, Prince, d744
119. Samuel II, Governor of Armenia 755-772
120. Dzovik
= Smbat VII [II/IV/VI], Prince of the Bagratids, High-Constable of Armenia 761-773 [note: the Bagratids claimed descent from ancient Jewish royalty, i.e., Israel’s Davidic Dynasty]
121. Ashot IV "The Carnivore", Prince of Armenia 806-826
122. Smbat VIII [III], High-Constable of Armenia 826-855, d862/7
= Eirene, dau of Bardas (d866), bro of Theodora, wife of Byzantine Emperor Theophilos
123. Ashot V & I "The Great", Prince 856, then, King of Armenia 884/5-890
124. Sofie
= Grigor-Derenik Artsruni, Prince of Vaspurakan 857-868 & 874-886
[note: the Artsrunis claimed descent from ancient Assyrian royalty, as per 2 Kings 19:37]
125. Gagik II [Khatchik-Gagik], King of Vaspurakan 903-936 (d943)
= Melike, daughter of Grigor Abul-Hamza, Prince Artsruni
126. Abusahl-Hamazasp III, King of Vaspurakan 953-972
= Gaday
127. Sennacherib-John, King of Vaspurakan 1003-21 (d1027)
= Khoshush, dau of Gagik I of Armenia & Kotramide, dau of Vasak VII of Siounie
128. Marie
= Giorgi I, King of Georgia 1014-1027 [his 1st =]
129. Bagrat IV, King of Georgia 1027-1072
= Borena of Ossetia
130. Giorgi II, King of Georgia 1072-1089
= Helene
131. David IV "The Builder", King of Georgia 1089-1125
= Rusudan of Armenia
132. Rusudan
= David of Ossetia, son of Athom, King of Ossetia
133. Aspae
= George Palaeologus (d1167)
134. Irene
= Isaac [John], Prince (d1174) [his 2nd =], son of Byzantine Emperor John II
135. Theodora (d1183)
= Byzantine Emperor Andronicus I [his 3rd =]
136. Irene
= Isaac II, Byzantine Emperor 1185-95 & 1203-4
137. Irene
= Philip of Swabia, Holy Roman Emperor 1198-1208
138. Marie (d1235)
= Henri II, Duke of Brabant (d1248)
139. Mahaut [Matilda] (d1228)
= Robert I, Count of Artois (d1250)
140. Blanche (d1302)
= Henri "The Great" of Champagne, King of Navarre (d1274)
141. Jeanne I, Queen of Navarre (d1305)
= Philip IV, King of France (d1314)
142. Isabelle (d1358)
= Edward II, King of England

1 comment:

  1. Fun ! but where are the primary sources on which you base this statement
