- (no surname)
- Abu Taglib Fad'lallah Hamdanid Emir of Mosel ( - 979)
Adalbert II King of Lombardy, Joint-King of Italy (about 936 - about 971)
Agilolf King of the Lombards ( - 616)
Agnir King of Westfold
Ahmose (Pharaoh)
Aidan Mac Gabran King of Dalriada (532 - 606)
Alain I "le Grand" Duke, then King of Brittany, Count of Nantes and Vannes ( - 907)
Alain I King of Brittany (535 - )
Alain II le Long King of Brittany ( - 690)
Alaric II King of the Visigoths
Alboin King of the Lombards ( - 572)
Aldamius King of Cimmerians
Aldfrid King of Northumbria ( - 704)
Alexander Bales King of Syria ( - 145 BCE)
Alexander I King of Macedonia ( - 450 BCE)
Alexander III King of Scots
Alexander the Great King of Macedonia ( - 323 BCE)
Alexandre King of Troy ( - 677 B.C.E.)
Alexius I Comnenus Emperor of the East (about 1048 - 1118)
Alexius III Angelos Emperor of the East (after 1155 - after 1211)
Alfarin Alfarin King of Alvheim
Alfonso I King of Aragon
Alfonso II King of Aragon (1157 - 1196)
Alfonso III "the Great" King of the Asturias (848 - 910)
Alfonso III "the Liberal" King of Aragón ( - 1291)
Alfonso IX "ed Barboro" King of Léon (1171 - 1230)
Alfonso IX "the Noble" King of Castile (1155 - 1214)
Alfonso V King of Castile and Leon (994 - 1028)
Alfonso VI "the Brave" King of Castile, Leon, and Navarre (1040 - 1109)
Alfonso VII King of Castile and Léon (1105 - 1157)
Alfred "the Great" King of England (849 - 901)
Ali ben Abu Talib (Caliph) (597 - 661)
Alketas King of Macedonia
Alpin Mac Eochaid King of Kintyre and Dalriada (about 778 - 841)
Alric King of Kent
Alxander I King of Scots (1077 - 1124)
Amalric I King of Jerusalem (1136 - 1174)
Amalric King of the Visigoths (502 - 531)
Amazaspus I King of Iberia ( - 115)
Amenhotep I (Pharaoh)
Amenhotep II (Pharaoh)
Amenhotep III (Pharaoh) ( - 1349 BCE)
Amenhotep IV (Pharaoh)
Amr al-Lakhmi 1st King of Hira
Amr King of Hira
Amyntas I King of Macedonia ( - 498 BCE)
Anarawd King of North Wales ( - 916)
Andrew I King of Hungary ( - 1060)
Andrew II King of Hungary (1176 - 1235)
Andronicus I Comneus Emperor of the East (about 1123 - 1185)
Andryw King of Britian
Anna King of East Anglia
Antenor I King of Troy
Antenor II King of Cimmerians ( - 442 B.C.E.)
Antenor II King of Sicombri
Antenor III King of Sicombri ( - 143 B.C.E.)
Antenor IV King of the Franks ( - 069)
Antharius King of Sicombri ( - 39 B.C.E.)
Antigonus I King of Macedonia (382 BCE - 301 BCE)
Antiochus I King of Commagene (100 BCE - 36 BCE)
Antiochus I Sotor "the Preserver" King of Syria (324 BCE - 261 BCE)
Antiochus II Theos King of Syria (286 BCE - 246 BCE)
Antiochus III Megas King of Syria (242 BCE - 187 BCE)
Antiochus IV Epiphanes King of Persia ( - 187 BCE)
Antiochus VIII Philometer "Grypus" King of Syria (143 BCE - 96 BCE)
Aoropos King of Macedonia
Apries (Pharaoh) (605 BCE - 568 BCE)
Ardashir I King of Persia ( - 241)
Ardoino King of Italy, Marquis of Ivrea, and Count of the Sacred Palace (about 960 - 1015)
Argaios I King of Macedonia ( - 621 BCE)
Ariobarzanes I Prince of Media Athropatene
Ariobarzares King of Pontus (300 BCE - 250 BCE)
Aripert I King of the Lombards ( - 661)
Arnulf Emperor in the West and King of Germany ( - 899)
Arsames King of Armenia ( - 228 BCE)
Artabanus I King of Parthia (185 BCE - 124 BCE)
Artabanus IV Great King of Parthia (between 160 and 165 - 224)
Artaces I King of Iberia ( - 63 BCE)
Artatama King of Mitann
Artavades King of Armenia ( - 95 BCE)
Artavasdes I Prince of Media Athropatene and Lesser Armenia
Artaxerxes I King of Persia ( - 425 BCE)
Artaxerxes II King of Persia ( - about 359 BCE)
Artaxias I King of Armenia ( - 159 BCE)
Artaxias I King of Iberia ( - 78 BCE)
Arthvael King of the Britons
Artiochus I King of Commagene ( - 31 BCE)
Ashkhadar King of Alania
Ashot IV "the Valiant" and "the Carniverous" Prince of Armenia ( - 820)
Astyages King of Media
Atanagildo King of the Visigoths
Athelstan Sub King of Kent
Aud "Deep Minded" Ketilsdatter Queen of Ireland ( - 900)
Audoin King of the Lombards
Audren King of Brittany
Authari King of the Lombards ( - 590)
Æd Find "the White" King of Dalriada ( - 778)
Ædh "Swift-Foot" King of Alba ( - 878)
Ædwig "the Fair King of England (about 942 - 959)
Ælfweard King of England ( - 924) - (no surname) (cont.)
- Ælla King of Northumbria
Æthelbald King of England (about 834 - 860)
Æthelbert I King of Kent
Æthelbert II King of Kent ( - 762)
Æthelbert King of England (about 836 - 866)
Æthelfrith King of Bernicea and Northumbria ( - 616)
Æthelred I King of England (about 840 - 872)
Æthelred II "the Unrede" King of England (968 - 1016)
Æthelric King of Bernicea ( - about 593)
Æthelstan King of England (894 - 939)
Æthelwulf King of England (about 806 - 858)
Bagrat I Prince of Taron ( - 852)
Bakenranef (Pharaoh) ( - about 712 BCE)
Baldwin II King of Jerusalem (about 1058 - 1131)
Baldwin III King of Jerusalem (1130 - 1162)
Baldwin VI Count of Hainaut and Latin Emperor of Constantinople (1171 - 1205)
Baranes V "Wild Ass" King of Persia ( - 439)
Bardas Skleros anti-Emperor
Bartherus King of the Franks (238 - 272)
Basabelian I King of Troy
Basabelian II King of Troy
Basil I Emperor of the East
Basil II Bulgaroctonus Basilius
Bassanus King of Sicombri
Beh King of the Britons ( - 599)
Beli King of Britian
Beli King of Strathclyde ( - before 641)
Beli Mawr "the Great" King of Britain
Beorhtwulf King of Mercia ( - 852)
Beornwulf King of Mercia ( - 825)
Berenger I Holy Roman Emperor (between 840 and 845 - 924)
Berenger II King of Italy ( - 966)
Bernard King of Italy (about 797 - 818)
Bertaire King of Thuringia (518 - 587)
Béla I King of Hungary ( - 1063)
Béla II "the Blind" King of Hungary (about 1109 - 1141)
Béla III King of Hungary (about 1148 - 1196)
Béla IV King of Hungary (1206 - 1270)
Bjorn "a Haugi" King at Uppsala (868 - about 956)
Bjorn "Ironside" Ragnarsson Swedish King at Uppsala
Blegwryd King of the Britons
Bleiddyd King of the Britons ( - circa 269 BCE)
Boleslaw I "Chrobry" Grand Prince and King of Poland (967 - 1025)
Boleslaw III King of Poland (1086 - 1138)
Boris Michael Khan of Bulgaria ( - 907)
Boso King of Burgundy
Boudicca ( - 061)
Brian Bórú High King of Ireland (about 941 - 1014)
Brion King of Irland
Brude King of the Picts
Budic I King of Brittany
Budic II King of Brittany
Burghræd King of Mercia ( - 874)
Cadell King of Britian
Cadifan King of the Britons ( - 630)
Cadwaller King of the Britons ( - 688)
Cadwallon King of the Britons ( - 676)
Caffo King of the Britons
Cambyses I King of Ashan
Cambyses II King of Persia
Canute II King of England and Denmark ( - 1035)
Carloman "the Younger" King of Burgundy (751 - 771)
Carloman King of Bavaria and Italy (about 829 - 880)
Casimir I "the Restorer" King of Poland (1016 - 1058)
Cassander King of Sicombri ( - 74 B.C.E.)
Cassivellaunos King of Catuvellauni
Caswallon Lawhir King of the Britons ( - 517)
Ceawlin King of the West Saxons (about 547 - 593)
Cellach macCinaeda O'Cheinnselaig King of Ui Chennselaig ( - 947)
Cenan Gworst King of Britian
Ceola King of Wessex ( - 597)
Ceolwulf I King of Mercia ( - 823)
Ceolwulf II King of Mercia
Ceonwulf King of Mercia ( - 821)
Ceowulf King of Wessex ( - 611)
Ceraint King of Britian
Ceraint King of Britian
Cerdic King of the West Saxons (about 467 - 534)
Charibert (about 618 - 631)
Charlemagne Emperor of the West (747 - 814)
Charles I King of Naples, Sicily and Jerusalem (1220 - 1285)
Charles II "le Boiteax" King of Naples, Sicily and Jerusalem (1254 - 1309)
Charles II "the Bald" King of France (828 - 877)
Charles III "the Simple" King of France (879 - 929)
Charles of Aquitaine King of Aquitaine (about 847 - )
Cheribert King of Paris (520 - 567)
Childebert I King of the Franks at Paris (497 - 558)
Childebert II King of the Franks (570 - 596)
Childebert III King of the Franks ( - 711)
Childebert King of Cologne
Childerich II King of Austrasia ( - between 675 and 675)
Childperic II King of the Burgundians
Chilperic I King of Neustria (before 535 - between 584 and 584)
Chilperich II King of the Franks in Austrasia ( - 721)
Chlodomir King of the Franks at Orléans (495 - 524)
Chlothare IV King of Austrasia ( - 718)
Chosroès I "the Just" King of Persia ( - 579)
Chosroès II "the Victorious" King of Persia ( - 638)
Cinaed King of Alba (932 - 995)
Cinaed macCairpre O'Cheinnselaig King of Ui Chennselaig ( - 935) - (no surname) (cont.)
- Cloderic "the Perricide" King of Cologne ( - 509)
Clodius I King of Sicombri ( - 159 B.C.E.)
Clodius III King of the Franks ( - 298)
Clodius III King of the Franks ( - 20 B.C.E.)
Clodomir I King of Sicombri ( - 232 B.C.E.)
Clodomir II King of Sicombri ( - 123 B.C.E.)
Clodomir III King of the Franks (3 - 063)
Clodomir IV King of the Franks (104 - 166)
Clotaire III King of Neustria and Burgundy (650 - )
Clothaire I King of the Franks (about 501 - between 561 and 561)
Clothaire II King of Neustria and the Franks (584 - 629)
Clotilde (Queen)
Clovis "the Riparian" Frankish King of Cologne
Clovis I "the Great" King of the Franks (about 466 - 511)
Clovis II King of the Franks (634 - between 657 and 657)
Clovis III King of the Franks (678 - 695)
Clydno King of Britian
Clydog King of Britian
Coel Godebog King of Britain ( - 170)
Coel Hen King of Northern Britian ( - about 430)
Conrad I "the Peaceful" King of Burgundy (about 925 - 993)
Conrad II "the Salic" King of Germany and Italy (990 - 1039)
Constantin I of Alba King of Alba (about 836 - 877)
Constantine IX Monomachos Emperor of the East ( - 1055)
Constantius Chlorus Emperor ( - 306)
Contantine the Great Emperor (about 272 - )
Coroticus King of Strathclyde
Cuhelyn King of Britian
Cunedda Wiedig King of the Britons ( - 389)
Cuthræd King of Kent ( - 807)
Cynan Meriadoc King of Brittany and Dumnonia
Cynegils King of the West Saxons (635 - )
Cynric King of the West Saxons (about 525 - 560)
Cynvarch King of Britian
Cyrus I King of Ashan ( - 530 BCE)
Cyrus II "the Great" King of Persia (570 BCE - 540 BCE)
Dagobert I King of Austrasia, and the Franks (about 610 - 639)
Dagobert I King of the East Franks ( - 317)
Dagobert II King of Austrasia, and Metz (between 652 and 656 - 679)
Dagobert III King of the Franks (697 - between 715 and 715)
Dairmait Mac Murchada King of Leinster (1110 - 1171)
Dairmait macÉnna ( - 1098)
Dairmait macÉnna King of Ui Chennselaig ( - 1006)
Daniel Dremrost "the Red Eyed" King of Brittany ( - 703)
Darius I "the Great" King of Persia (558 BCE - )
Darius II King of Persia (475 BCE - 404 BCE)
David I "the Saint" King of Scotland (about 1080 - 1154)
Daw King of Britian
Demetrius I Poliorcertes King of Macedonia ( - 283 BCE)
Demetrius I Soter "the Preserver" King of Syria (186 BCE - 150 BCE)
Demetrius II Nicator King of Syria (165 BCE - 125 BCE)
Diarmait macDomnaill O'Cheinnselaig King of Ui Chennselaig ( - 996)
Diarmait MacMáil na mBó King of Ireland and Leinster ( - 1072)
Dilulius I King of Cimmerians
Dilulius II King of Cimmerians
Diocles King of Sicombri
Domnall Brecc "the Speckled" King of Dalriada ( - about 642)
Domnall Finnliath King of Ailech
Domnall II of Alba King of Alba (862 - 900)
Domnall macCellaig O'Cheinnselaig King of Ui Chennselaig ( - 974)
Domnall macMurchada King of Leinster ( - 1075)
Domongart King of Dalriada ( - about 504)
Donald III Bane King of Scots ( - 1096)
Donnchad King of Munster ( - 1064)
Donnchad macMurchada King of Leinster ( - 1115)
Dubh King of Alba ( - 967)
Duncan I "MacCrinan" King of Scots (1007 - 1040)
Duncan II King of Scots (1060 - 1094)
Dunghal MacFearghal (King) (about 760 - )
Dyonvarth King of Britian
Dyonwal King of Britian
Eadbald King of Kent ( - 640)
Eadbert King of Kent
Eadburht I King of Kent
Eadred King of England (about 924 - 955)
Eahlmund Under-King of Kent (about 758 - 786)
Eanfrith King of Bernicea ( - 635)
Ecgfrth King of Mercia ( - 796)
Edgar "the Peaceful" King of England (943 - 975)
Edgar King of Scots (about 1074 - 1107)
Edmund "Ironside" King of England (about 989 - 1016)
Edmund "the Magnificent" King of Enlgand (920 - 946)
Edmund Eriksson Swedish King at Birka (about 832 - )
Edward "the Confessor" King of England (about 1005 - 1066)
Edward "the Elder" King of England (about 869 - 924)
Edward "the Martyr" (Saint) (963 - 978)
Edward I "Longshanks" King of England (1239 - 1307)
Edward II King of England (1284 - 1327)
Edward III King of England (1312 - 1377)
Edwin Sub-King of Kent ( - 933)
Egbert II King of Kent
Egbert King of England (775 - 893)
Egbert King of Kent ( - 673)
Eidal King of the Britons
Einion Yrth King of the Britons ( - 443)
Eliacor King of Troy
Eochaid Buide King of the Picts and Dalriada ( - 629)
Eochaid II "Crooked Nose" King of Dalriada ( - about 697)
Eochaid III King of Dalriada, Knapdale, and Kintyre
Eochaid IV "the Poisonous" King of Dalriada - (no surname) (cont.)
- Eochaid Mugmedon King of Irland
Eochaid Muinremur King of Dalriada in Northern Ireland ( - before 439)
Eochodius King of Scots ( - 889)
Eodal King of Britian
Eorconbeorht King of Kent ( - 664)
Ercc King of Dalriada in Northern Ireland (about 400 - 474)
Eriba-marduk King of Babylon ( - about 765 BCE)
Eric I "Bloodaxe" King of Norway, Jarl of Northumberland (about 895 - )
Erik "Segersall" King of Sweden (about 935 - )
Erik Bjornasson Swedish King at Uppsala (about 814 - )
Erik King of Jutland
Ermengaire King of the Suavians
Ermenric King of Kent ( - 560)
Ersdron King of Troy
Eurogates II (Pharaoh)
Eymund King in Holmgard (about 430 - )
Eystein "Hardrade" King of the Uplands
Eysteinn "Fret" Halfdansson King of Vestfold (about 736 - )
Énna macDiarmata, ( - 1092)
Énna macDonnchada MacMurchada King of Leinster ( - 1126)
Farabert King of the Franks (122 - 186)
Ferchar Fota King of Loarn and Argyll
Fergus King of Dalriada ( - 781)
Fergus Mor Mac Ercc King of Dalriada ( - 501)
Fernando I "the Great" King of Castile and Leon (between 1016 and 1018 - 1065)
Fernando II King of Léon (1137 - 1188)
Firoz V King of Persia ( - 484)
Flavius Tiberius Mauricus Emperor of the East (about 539 - 602)
Fornjotur King in Kvenland (about 160 - )
Fortun Garces King of Pamplona ( - 905)
Francus King of the Franks
Francus King of Troy
Frederick I "Barbarossa" Emperor of the West (1122 - 1190)
Frederick II Emperor of Germany (1194 - 1250)
Frodi Vhroerekrsson King of Lethra
Frosti Karasson King in Kvenland (about 210 - )
Frotho King of Staelland ( - 885)
Fulgen King of Britian
Fulk V "le Jeune" King of Jerusalem, Count of Anjou (1092 - 1143)
Gabran mac Domangart "the Treacherous" King of Dalriada and of the Scots
Garcia I Iniguez King of Pamplona (about 810 - 882)
Garcia II Jiminez King of Navarre (about 845 - )
Garcia III Sanchez King of Navarre (913 - 970)
Garcia III Sanchez King of Navarre, Count of Aragon (913 - 970)
Garcia IV "el Restaurador" King of Navarre (after 1110 - 1150)
Garcia IV King of Navarre (about 1020 - 1054)
Garcia IV Sanchez King of Navarre (about 964 - before 999)
Garcia VII King of Navarre
Gautier King of the East Franks ( - 306)
Gebica King of the Burgundians
Gentilanor King of Cimmerians
Gewar King of Norway
Géza II King of Hungary (about 1130 - 1161)
Godefrid King of Haithabu, of Dorestad, and Rustringen
Gontran King of the Franks (between 532 and 534 - 592)
Gorm "the Old" King of Denmark (about 840 - after 950)
Gorvyniawn King of Britian
Gradlonus King of Brittany
Gudrod "Jagtkonge" Halfdansson King of Vestfold ( - 821)
Gudrod Halfdansson "Mikillati" King of Vestfold and Roumarike (about 738 - 810)
Gui II Duke of Spoleto, Count of Camerino, King of Italy ( - 894)
Gundichar King of the Burgundians ( - 436)
Gundioc King of the Burgundians
Gundiok King of the Burgundians ( - 473)
Gundobad King of the Burgundians ( - 516)
Gwegant King of Britian
Halfdan "the Black" King of Vestfold, King of Agde and Sogn (820 - )
Halfdan "the Meek" Eysteinsson King of Vestfold
Halfdan "the Old" Hringsson King in Ringerik (about 450 - )
Halfdan "White Shirt" Ragnarsson King of Dublin ( - 877)
Halfdan Haroldsson King of Sweden (about 590 - )
Halfdan King of Haithabu (between 775 and 780 - 810)
Halfdan Olafsson "Huitbein" King of the Pulanders of Sweeden, King of Salver and Vestfold
Harold "Klak" King of Haithabu, Rustingen, and Justland (about 800 - 844)
Harold "Ridskeg" King of Agder
Harold Hilditonn King of Lethra in Stealland, Denmark ( - 770)
Harold I "Haarfager" Over-King of Norway (before 860 - about 936)
Harold I King of England ( - 1040)
Harold II "Graypelt" King of Norway ( - 970)
Harold II Godwinsson King of England (about 1022 - 1066)
Harold II King of Staelland ( - 899)
Harold King of Haithabu ( - about 750)
Harthacnut King of England ( - 1042)
Hatchepsut (Pharaoh)
Helenius III King of Cimmerians
Helenus I King of Sicombri
Helenus II King of Troy
Helenus IV King of Cimmerians
Helenus King of Epirus
Hengist King of Kent ( - 488)
Henry I "Beauclerc" King of England (1070 - 1135)
Henry I "the Fowler" Emperor of the West (876 - 936)
Henry I King of France (1008 - 1060)
Henry I King of Navarre (about 1244 - 1274)
Henry II "Curt Mantel" King of England (1132/33 - 1189)
Henry III "the Black" Emperor of the West (1017 - 1056)
Henry III King of England (1207 - 1272)
Henry IV Emperor of the West (1050 - 1106)
Henry IV Salic King
Henry V Emperor of Germany (1086 - 1125) - (no surname) (cont.)
- Henry VI Emperor of Germany
Hermisdas IV King of Persia ( - 590)
Hilderic King of the Franks ( - 253)
Hoel I King of Brittany
Hoel II King of Brittany ( - 547)
Hoel III King of Brittany ( - 612)
Horda-Knut Sigurdsson King of Staelland ( - 884)
Hormisdas II King of Persia ( - 309)
Hugh Capet King of France (941 - 996)
Hugh King of France (1007 - )
Hugh of Provence King of Italy (about 880 - 947)
Hulayl King of the Khozaite
Iago King of the Britons ( - 603)
Ida "the Flamebearer" King of Bernicea ( - about 559)
Idwal "Foel" ap Anarawd King of North Wales ( - 942)
Imru'ul-Qays I King of Hira ( - 328)
Imru'ul-Qays II King of Hira
Imru'ul-Qays III King of Hira
Ina King of Wessex ( - 728)
Inge I King of Sweden
Ingjald "the White" Helgasson Petty King of Ireland
Ingjald Braut-Onundson "Ill-Ruler" King of Uppsala (about 660 - )
Inigo Iniguez Arista King of Pamplona (about 790 - 851 or 852)
Irene Ducas Augusta (1066 - 1127)
Isaac II Angelus Eastern Roman Emperor (about 1155 - 1204)
Ivar "the Boneless" Ragnarsson King of Dublin ( - 873)
Ivar Halfdansson King of Uppsala in Sweeden and Lethra in Denmark (about 612 - )
Ivar Vidfadmi King of Uppsala in Sweeden and Lethra in Denmark
James I "the Conqueror" King of Aragon (1207 - 1276)
John "Lackland" King of England (1167 - 1216)
John I Tzimisces Emperor of the East
John II Comnenus Emperor of the East (1087 - 1143)
John Wladislaw Tsar of West Bulgaria ( - 1018)
Judicael King of Brittany ( - 658)
Kamateros Emperor of the East
Kamose (Pharaoh)
Kari Fornjotsson King in Kvenland (about 185 - )
Kavadh I King of Persia ( - 531)
Kenneth III MacDubh King of Scots ( - 1005)
Kenneth MacAlpin King of Alba (about 810 - 859)
Khachik I King of Vaspurakan
Khosrow II "the Brave" King of Armenia (165 - about 216)
Khosrow II "the Valiant" King of Western Armenia (about 236 - 287)
Khosrow III "Kotak" King of Armenia (280 - 338)
Konrad I Duke of the Franks, King of Germany ( - 913)
Konstantinos VI Emperor of the East (771 - 803)
Korrhagos King of Thrace
Krum Khan of the Bulgars ( - 814)
Ladislas I "the Saint" King of Hungary ( - 1095)
Leo IV Chozar Emperor of the East
Leo IX (Pope) ( - 1054)
Leo V "the Armenian" Emperor of the East ( - 802)
Leo VI "the Philosopher" Emperor of the East (866 - 898)
Leon V Emperor of the East ( - 820)
Loarn King of Dalriada in Northern Ireland ( - between 498 and 501)
Lothair I Emperor of the West (about 795 - 855)
Lothair II "the Saxon" King of Lorraine (827 - 869)
Louis I "the Fair" Emperor of the West (778 - 841)
Louis II "the German" King of East Franks (806 - 876)
Louis II "the Stammerer" Holy Roman Emperor (846 - 879)
Louis II Emperor of the West ( - 875)
Louis II King of Provence/Arles
Louis III Beronides "the Blind" King of Provence and Italy; Emperor of the West (about 883 - 928)
Louis IV "d'Outremer" King of France (920 - 954)
Louis VI "the Fat" King of France (1077 - 1137)
Louis VII "the Young" King of France (1120 - 1180)
Louis VIII "the Lion" King of France (1187 - 1226)
Mael-Coluim I King of Alba (897 - 954)
Mael-Coluim II King of Scots and King of Strathclyde (958 - 1034)
Maelgwn Gwynedd King of the Britons ( - 560)
Magnus I "The Good" Olafsson King of Norway
Malcolm III "Canmore" King of the Scots (1031 - 1093)
Manogan King of the Britons ( - circa 100 BCE)
Manuel I Emperor of the East ( - 1180)
Marcomir I King of Sicombri ( - 412 B.C.E.)
Marcomir II King of Sicombri ( - 170 B.C.E.)
Marcomir III King of the Franks ( - 050)
Marcomir IV King of the Franks ( - 149)
Marcomir King of Cimmerians
Maredydd ap Owain King of All Wales (about 938 - 999)
Marie Queen of Aragon (1182 - 1213)
Matilda of Scotland (1079 - 1118)
Maud of Huntingdon Queen of Scots (1072 - between 1130 and 1131)
Megas King of Cyrene
Merfin Frych King of Powis and the Isle of Man ( - 844)
Meribanes I King of Iberia ( - 109 BCE)
Merneptah (Pharaoh) ( - 1184 BCE)
Merodochus King of Sicombri ( - 95 B.C.E.)
Michael II Emperor of the East ( - 829)
Michael III Emperor of the East
Mieszko II King of Poland (about 990 - 1034)
Mithradates I Kallinikos King of Commagene (120 BCE - 63 BCE)
Mithradates I King of Armenia ( - 51 CE)
Mithradates I King of Iberia ( - 107)
Mithradates I King of Pontus ( - 266 BCE)
Mithradates III King of Parthia ( - 57 BCE)
Mithradates III King of Pontus ( - 190 BCE)
Mithradates III King of Pontus (about 260 BCE - 220 BCE)
Mithradates King of Armenia (about 045 - 076)
Mithradates V Eurugates King of Pontus ( - 120 BCE) - (no surname) (cont.)
- Mithradates VI Europator "the Great" King of Pontus ( - 63 BCE)
Mithranes I King of Armenia (370 BCE - 317 BCE)
Monrydd King of Britian
Muhammad I King of Seville (984 - about 1042)
Muhammad II King of Seville (1014 - 1082)
Muhammad III King of Seville (1040 - 1095)
Mundhir III King of Hira (about 505 - 554)
Mundhir IV King of Hira ( - 580)
Murchad King of Leinster
Murchad macDiarmata meicMáel King of Leinster ( - 1070)
Murchad macMurchada of Osraige King of Osraige
Nabopolassar King of Babylon ( - 605 BCE)
Nabu-shum-ishkun King of Babylon ( - 748 BCE)
Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon
Nebuchadrezzar IV King of Babylon
Necho I King of Sais and Memphis (710 BCE - 664 BCE)
Necho II (Pharaoh) (660 BCE - 595 BCE)
Nectan I King of the Picts ( - 621)
Nerseh I King of Persia ( - 302)
Niall Glundubh Finnliath King of Ireland
Nicanor King of Sicombri ( - 198 B.C.E.)
Njord King of the Swedes (about 214 - )
Norbril King of Northumbria
Norr Thorrasson King of Alfheim (about 345 - )
Nu'man I King of Hira ( - 418)
Nu'man II King of Hira ( - 502)
Nu'man III au-Qabus King of Hira ( - 602)
Octha King of Kent ( - 543)
Odo or Eudes King of the Franks (856 - 898)
Odomir King of the Franks ( - 128)
Oisc King of Kent ( - 512)
Olaf "the White" Ingjaldsson King of Ireland ( - 871)
Olaf Edmundsson King of Uppsala, and Sweden ( - 964)
Olaf Gudrodsson King of Jultland and Vestfold ( - 840)
Olaf Haraldsson (Staint) King of Norway (about 995 - 1030)
Olaf III "Skotkonung" King of Sweden ( - winter 1021/1022)
Olaf III King of Sweden
Olaf Ingjardsson "Trekalia" King of Vermaland in Sweden ( - about 710)
Olave I Bitling King of the Isle of Man (about 1080 - )
Omortag Khan of the Bulgars
Ordogno I King of the Asturias and Galicia (830 - 866)
Ordogno II King of Asturia, Galicia, and Leon (about 873 - 924)
Ordogno III King of Leon (about 926 - 955)
Orodes I Great King of Partha (80 BCE - 39 BCE)
Orontes II King of Armenia (400 BCE - 1 October 331 BCE)
Orontes III King of Armenia (340 BCE - about 260 BCE)
Orontes IV King of Armenia (235 BCE - between 212 and 189 BCE)
Osorkon I (Pharaoh) ( - 889 BCE)
Osorkon II (Pharaoh) (905 BCE - 850 BCE)
Osred I King of Northumbria ( - 716)
Otto I "The Great" Emperor of the West (912 - 973)
Otto II Emperor of the West (between 954 and 955 - 983)
Otto IV King of the Romans, and Count of Poitou (about 1183 - 1218)
Otto William King of Lombardy (between 958 and 959 - 1026)
Owain ap Dafydd
Owain King of the Britons
Papak King of Persia ( - 222)
Pedro "the Cruel" King of Castile
Pedro II King of Aragon (1176 - 1213)
Pedro III "the Great " King of Aragón ( - 1285)
Pelinor (King)
Pepin I King of Aquitaine (797 - before 838)
Perdiccas King of Macedonia ( - 652 BCE)
Pernus King of Sicombri
Pépin "the Short" King of the Franks (715 - 768)
Pépin King of Italy and Lombardy (773 - 810)
Pharamond King of the Salic Franks (370 - 427)
Pharasmenes I King of Iberia ( - 58 CE)
Pharasmenes II King of Iberia ( - 132)
Pharasmenes III King of Iberia ( - 185)
Pharnabazes I King of Iberia (about 326 - 234 BCE)
Pharnabazes II King of Iberia ( - 30 BCE)
Pharnaces I King of Pontus ( - 169 BCE)
Philip I King of France (about 1052 - 1108)
Philip II "Augustus" King of France (1165 - 1223)
Philip II King of Macedonia
Philip II von Hohenstauffen Emperor of Germany (1176 - 1208)
Philip III "the Bold" King of France (1245 - 1285)
Philip IV "the Fair" King of France and Navarre (1268 - 1314)
Philip V King of Macedonia ( - 187 BCE)
Phillipos King of Macedonia ( - 588 BCE)
Phraates III King of Partha (120 BCE - 57 BCE)
Phraates IV Great King of Parthia ( - 32 BCE)
Phriapatius King of Parthia (215 BCE - 176 BCE)
Pimay (Pharaoh) ( - 767 BCE)
Pinudjem I (Pharaoh) ( - 1032 BCE)
Plaserius I King of Troy
Plaserius II King of Troy
Plesron I King of Troy
Plesron II King of Troy
Por King of Britian
Praserius III King of Cimmerians
Prasutagus King of the Iceni ( - 059)
Priam II King of Troy
Priam III King of Cimmerians
Priam IV King of Cimmerians
Priam King of Troy
Psammetichus I (Pharaoh) (685 BCE - 610 BCE)
Psammetichus II (Pharaoh) ( - 585 BCE)
Psusennes I (Pharaoh)
- (no surname) (cont.)
- Psusennes II (Pharaoh) ( - 945 BCE)
Ptolemy I Setrap of Commagene ( - 130 BCE)
Ptolemy I Soter (Pharaoh) ( - 285 BCE)
Ptolemy II Philadelpios (Pharaoh) (308 BCE - 247 BCE)
Ptolemy III Euergates (Pharaoh) ( - 221 BCE)
Ptolemy IV Philopator (Pharaoh) ( - 205 BCE)
Ptolemy V Epiphanes (Pharaoh) (about 210 BCE - 181 BCE)
Ptolemy VI Philometor (Pharaoh) ( - 164 BCE)
Ptolemy VII (Pharaoh)
Rabi'a al'Lakhmi King of Yemen (195 - )
Radbard King of Gardarike (about 638 - )
Ragnar Sigurdsson "Lodrock" Danish King at Lethra (about 750 - 845)
Rameses I (Pharaoh) (about 1350 BCE - 1294 BCE)
Rameses II "the Great" (Pharaoh) (1314 BCE - 1124 BCE)
Rameses III (Pharaoh) ( - 1154 BCE)
Rameses IX (Pharaoh) ( - 1108 BCE)
Rameses VII (Pharaoh)
Rameses VIII (Pharaoh) ( - 1138 BCE)
Rameses X (Pharaoh) ( - 1098 BCE)
Rameses XI (Pharaoh) ( - 1070 BCE)
Ramiro I King of Aragon ( - 1063)
Ramiro I King of the Asturias (about 790 - 850)
Ramiro II King of Leon (about 900 - 951)
Ramiro II King of Navarre and Aragon (1075 - 1157)
Ratherius King of the Franks ( - 090)
Rhadamiste I King of Iberia ( - 135)
Rhodawr King of the Britons
Rhunn King of the Britons ( - 586)
Richard I "Coeur de Lion" King of England (1157 - 1199)
Richard of Cornwall King of the Romans. Earl of Cornwall (1209 - 1272)
Richilde of Poland Queen of Castile and Léon (between 1130 and 1140 - 1166)
Richimir King of the Franks ( - 114)
Robert I Duke of France (866 - 923)
Robert II "the Pious" King of France (972 - 1031)
Roderick the Great King of All Wales and the Isle of Man (about 788 - 877)
Rodri Molwynog King of Wales ( - 754)
Romanus I Lecapenus Emperor of the East ( - 944)
Romanus III Argyros Emperor of the East
Rudolf III King of Burgundy ( - 1032)
Rudolph I Count, Marquis, and King of Upper Burgundy ( - 912)
Rudolph II King of Burgundy ( - 937)
Rudolph King of Burgundy
Rurick King of Lethra in Stealland, Denmark
Salamon I King of Brittany
Samos King of Armenia ( - 260 BCE)
Samus King of Commagene ( - 96 BCE)
Sanatroukes King of Armenia (065 - 110)
Sancha Princess of Castile (1154 - 1208)
Sancho "el Sabio King of Navarre (1134 - 1197)
Sancho Garcia III "the Great" King of Navarre, Count of Castile and Aragon (between 990 and 992 - 1035)
Sancho I Garces "Optimo Imperator" King of Navarre (about 865 - 925)
Sancho I King of Aragon and Navarre
Sancho II Abarca King of Navarre, Count of Aragon (after 935 - 994)
Sancho III King of Castile (1134 - 1158)
Sancho Ramirez I King of Aragon (between 1042 and 1043 - 1094)
Sancho VI "el Sabio" King of Navarre (1132 - 1194)
Sapor I King of Persia ( - 272)
Sapor II King of Persia ( - 379)
Sapor III King of Persia ( - 388)
Sauromaces I King of Iberia ( - 159 BCE)
Selbach King of Loarn and Argyll ( - 730)
Seleucus I Nicator King of Syria
Seleucus II Callinius King of Syria (265 BCE - 226 BCE)
Seleucus IV Philopator King of Syria (220 BCE - 175 BCE)
Senakhtenre Ta'a I (Pharaoh)
Seqenenre Ta'a II (Pharaoh)
Seti I (Pharaoh) (about 1327 BCE - 1279 BCE)
Sheshonq II (Pharaoh) (980 BCE - 924 BCE)
Sheshonq III (Pharaoh) (between 860 and 855 BCE - 773 BCE)
Siegbert "the Lame" King of Cologne ( - 509)
Sigebert I King of the Franks (535 - between 575 and 575)
Sigeric II King of Essex
Sigtrygg King of Vandel
Sigurd "Snake-in-Eye" Ragnarson King of Denmark ( - 873)
Sigurd Hjort Helgasson King of Ringerike
Sigusmund King of the Burgundians ( - 523)
Sinatruces King of Parthia (157 BCE - 70 BCE)
Sitric Ivarsson King of Dublin ( - 895)
Sitsyllt King of Britian
Sitsyllt King of the Britons
Skjold King of the Danes (about 237 - )
Sledda King of Essex
Smendis (Pharaoh) ( - 1043 BCE)
Snaer Jokulsson King in Kvenland (about 275 - )
Snaer King of Finland
Somerled King of the Isles (about 1113 - 1164)
Stephen I (Saint) King of Hungary (about 969 - 1038)
Stephen of Blois King of England (1095 - 1154)
Stephen V King of Hungary and Croatia (1239 - 1272)
Sunno King of the Franks (137 - 213)
Swein King of Norway ( - 1036)
Sweyn Forkbeard King of Denmark
Takelot I (Pharaoh) (935 BCE - 873 BCE)
Takelot II (Pharaoh) (875 BCE - 825 BCE)
Talorcam I King of the Picts ( - 655)
Tefnakhte I (Pharaoh) ( - 716 BCE)
Tewdwr ap Cadell King of Wales (about 977 - )
Theobald IV "the Great" King of Navarre (1201 - 1253)
Theodebald King of the Franks
Theodebert I King of the Franks (between 499 and 504 - 547)
- (no surname) (cont.)
- Theoderic III King of Burgundy and the Franks
Theoderich I King of the Franks (about 485 - 533)
Theodore I Komnenos Lascaris Emperor of the East (1173 - 1222)
Theodoric I King of the Ostagoths (about 454 - 526)
Theodoric II King of the Ostagoths
Theophilos Emperor of the East ( - 842)
Theudemir King of the Ostagoths ( - 474)
Theuderic III King of the Franks (651 - between 690 and 691)
Thorri Snaersson King in Kvenland (about 320 - )
Thutmose I (Pharaoh)
Thutmose II (Pharaoh)
Thutmose III (Pharaoh)
Tiberius II Constantinus Emperor of the East ( - 582)
Tigranes I King of Armenia ( - 123 BCE)
Tigranus II "the Great" King of Armenia (about 140 BCE - 55 BCE)
Tiridates II King of Armenia
Tiridates II King of Armenia (194 - about 253)
Tiridates III King of Armenia
Tiridates IV "the Great" (about 280 - 330)
Trojan of Bulgaria Tsar of West Bulgaria
Tuthmosis IV (Pharaoh)
Tytila King of East Anglia ( - 593)
Urraca Infanta of Castile and Leon, Countess of Galicia (about 1082 - 1126)
Valis King of the Visagoths
Vermudo I King of the Asturias ( - 797)
Vermudo II "the Gouty" King of Leon (about 953 - 999)
Vislas I King of the Obotrites
Vladimir I Swjatoslawitsch (Saint) Grand Prince of Kiev
Vologaesus I King of Armenia (095 - 137)
Vologaesus I King of Parthia (025 - 077)
Vologaesus II King of Armenia (130 - 207)
Vonones II King of Media Athropatene (10 BCE - 051)
Waccho King of the Lombards
Wacho King of the Lombards
Waldemar II King of Denmark
Walia King of the Visagoths ( - 419)
Wiglaf King of Mercia ( - 839)
Wihtread King of Kent ( - 725)
William I "Taillefer" Count of Angoulême ( - 962)
William I "The Conqueror" King of England (1027 - 1087)
William I "the Lion" King of Scotland (1143 - 1214)
William II "Rufus" King of England (1057 - 1100)
William II of Holland Holy Roman Emperor (1227 - 1256)
Wladislaw I Hermann King of Poland (about 1040 - 1102)
Wladislaw II King of Poland (1105 - 1159)
Wratislaw II King of Hungary and Bohemia (about 1035 - 1092)
Wuffa King of East Anglia ( - 578)
Xerxes I King of Persia (521 BCE - 465 BCE)
Yazdagerd III King of Persia ( - 651)
Yazdegerd I King of Persia ( - 421)
Yazdegerd II King of Persia ( - 457)
Yngvi-Frey of Uppsala King of Sweden (about 235 - )
Zaberian King of Troy
Zariadres I King of Sophene ( - 190 BCE)
Zelius King of Troy
Zeuter King of Troy
Zwentibold (King) - de Balliol
- Edward King of Scotland ( - 1367)
John King of Scotland (about 1250 - before 1314)
- de Courtenay
- Peter II Emperor of the East (about 1155 - after 1219)
Friday, December 30, 2011
Royal Genealogy
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