Monday, August 13, 2012

The Genealogy of the Kings and Queens of Armenia-Cilicia


Part 1 - The Rupenids

The descendants of Ruben I the Great (? - 1095),
Prince of Armenia-Cilicia (1080 - 1095):

  1. Constantine I,
    Prince of Armenia (1095 - 1100)
  2. 1. Constantine I
    1. Beatrice,
      • married to Joscelin II de Courtenay (? -1131), Count of Edessa
    2. Thoros I (Taphnuz),
      Prince of Armenia (1100 - 1120)
    3. Leo I, Prince of Armenia (1120 - 1138)
    4. daughter,
      • married to Gabriel (1055 - 1103), Armenian Governor of Melitene
    1.2 Thoros I.
    1. Arda ( ? - 1117),
      • married to Baldwin I de Boulogne (? - 1118), King of Jerusalem (1100 - 1118), Count of Edessa (1098 - 1118)
      (Note: She may was daughter of another Thoros-Prince of Edessa, who abdicated in 1098 in favor of Baldwin I de Boulogne.)
    1.3 Leo I.
    1. Stephen I (before 1110 - 1165),
      Prince of Armenia (1140 - 1145),
      • married to Rita de Barba'ron (? - about 1210)
      (Note: It is not sure if he was Prince of Armenia)
    2. Thoros II (about 1115 - 1169),
      Prince of Armenia (1145 -1169)
    3. Mleh (? - 1174),
      Prince of Armenia (1170 - 1174)
    4. 1.3.1 Stephen I.
      1. Ruben III (? - 1185),
        Prince of Armenia (1175 - 1186),
        • married to Isabella of Toron
      2. Leo II the Great (? - 1219),
        Prince of Armenia (1185 - 1198),
        King of Armenia (1198 - 1219),
        • married first to Isabelle of Austria
          (1 daughter)
        • married second to Sibylla de Lusignan (? - 1252)
          (1 daughter).
      3. Dolete,
        • married to Bertrand I Embriaco,
          Seigneur de Giblet (? - 217)
      4. Ruben III
        1. Alice of Armenia (1182 - after 1234),
          • married to Raimund (? - 1197), Count of Tripolis
            (For information on her descentants see Part 4)
        2. Philippa (1183 - after 1219),
          • married to Theodore I Comnenus Laskaris (1175 - 1222), Emperor of Nikaia (1205 - 1222) Leo II
        1. Rita
        2. Isabella (Zabel),
          Queen of Armenia (1219 - 1252),
          • married first to Philip (? - 1226), Prince of Antioch, King of Armenia (1222 - 1225)
          • married second to Hethum I de Barba'ron, King of Armenia (1226 - 1270)
            (6 children)
        3. Stephanie (? -1219),
          • married to
          • married to John I de Brienne, King of Jerusalem (1210 - 1229), Emperor of Constantinople (1229 - 1237)
      1.3.2. Thoros II
      1. Ruben II (? - 1170),
        Prince of Armenia (1169 - 1170)
      2. Daughter (1160 - 1185),
        • married to Isaac Dukas-Comnenus (1155 - 1195)

Part 2 - The Hethumids

The descendants of Oshin I, Lord of Lampron:

  1. Hethun I, Lord of Lampron (unchecked)
  2. 1. Hethun I, Lord of Lampron (unchecked)
    1. Hethun II, Lord of Lampron (unchecked)
    2. 1.1. Hethum II, Lord of Lampron (unchecked)
      1. Smbat de Barba'ron (? - 1153), Lord of Barba'ron
      2. Oshin II de Lamrpon (1125 - 1170), Lord of Lampron,
        • married to Schahantukhd Pahlavouni ( ? - after 1190)
      3. 1.1.1. Smbat
        1. Vacaghx de Barba'ron (? - after 1199), Lord of Barba'ron
        2. Rita de Barba'ron (? - about 1210),
          • married to Stephen I (before 1110 - 1165), Prince of Armenia
            (See Part 1 # 1.3.1)
        3. Vacaghx
          1. Constantine de Barba'ron (about 1180 - 1263), Lord of Barba'ron, Baron of Lampron,
            Regent of Armenia-Cilicia (1219 - 1226),
            • married first to ...
            • married second to Alix de Lampron (? - about 1220)
          2. Constantine
            1. Stephanie de Barba'ron (? - before 1274) (by his first wife),
              • married to Constantine, Lord of Lampron (1180 - 1250)
            2. Hethum I (1215 - 1270) (by his second wife), King of Armenia (1226 - 1269),
              • married to Isabelle (Zabel), Queen of Armenia (1219 - 1252)
                (See Part 1 #
            3. Kalamaria de Barba'ron (? - 1263) (by his second wife),
            4. Oshin of Korikos
            5. Smbat the Constable
            6. John (Hohannes), Bishop
            7. Stephanie de Barba'ron
              1. Hethum (1220 - 1250)
     Hethum I
              1. Leo III,
                King of Armenia (1270 - 1289),
                • married to Kyranna de Lampron (? - 1285)
              2. Thoros (? - 1266),
                • was married possibly to Marie de Poitiers
              3. Sibylle of Armenia (? - 1290),
                • married to Bohemund VI (1237 - 1275), Prince of Antioch
                  (For information on her descentants see Part 5)
              4. Euphemie de Barba'ron (? - 1309),
                • married to Julien Grenier, Lord of Sidon (? - 1275)
                  (For information on her descendants see The Genealogy of the Family of Ibelins Part 2 #
              5. Rita,
                • married to Prince Constantine, Lord of Sarvandik
              6. Maria,
              7. Euphemie de Barba'ron
                1. Marguerite Grenier (? - 1289),
                  • married to Guy II Embriaco, Seigneur de Gimblet
                2. Marguerite Grenier
                  1. Marie Embriaco (? -1331),
                    • married to Philippe d' Ibelin (1253 - 1318)
                  2. Marie Embriaco
                    1. Helvis d' Ibelin (1307-1347)
                1. Hethum II,
                  King of Armenia (1289 - 1293), (1294 - 1296) and (1299 - 1307)
                2. Thoros III,
                  King of Armenia (1293 - 1294),
                  • married to Marguerite de Lusignan (? - 1296)
                3. Smbat,
                  King of Armenia (1296 -1298)
                4. Constantine I,
                  King of Armenia (1298 -1299)
                5. Oshin,
                  King of Armenia (1308 - 1320),
                  • married first to Isabel of Korikos (? - 1310) ( daughter of Hethum the Historian (? -1314)),
                    (1 son)
                  • married second to Isabelle de Lusignan (? - 1319),
                  • married third to ... Princess of Naples,
                  • married third to Jeanne de Anjou
                    (1 daughter)
                6. Isabelle (Zabel), Princess of Armenia,
                  • married to Amalric de Lusignan (? - 1310), Regent of the Kingdom of Cyprus and Jerusalem ( 1306 -1310), Prince of Tyrus
                    (For information on her descendants see Part 3)
                7. Rita of Armenia (1278 - 1333),
                  • married to Michael IX Palaeologus, Emperor of Byzantium
                8. Hethum II
                  1. Thoros (? - 1296) (murdered by Smbat)
         Thoros III
                  1. Leo IV (1287 - 1307),
                    King of Armenia (1305 -1307),
                    • married to Marie de Lusignan (? - after 1309)
                    (Note: It is not certain that he was son of Thoros III. The only sure is that he was son of a brother of King Hethum II.)
                  1. Leo V (1310 - 1341),
                    King of Armenia (1320 - 1341),
                    • married first to Alice of Korikos (? - 1329),
                    • married second to Constanza of Aragon, daughter of Frederick II, King of Sicily
                  2. Marie,
                    • married first to Constantine III, King of Armenia (1344 - 1363),
                    • married second to Constantine IV, King of Armenia (1363 - 1373),
                    • married third to Otto of Brunswick
         Rita of Armenia
                  1. Andronicus III Palaeologus (1296 - 1341),
                    Emperor of Byzantium
        1.1.2 Oshin II de Lampron
        1. Oshin III (his name may also be "Hethum III") de Lampron (1151 - 1218), Lord of Lampron
        2. Oshin III (Hethum III)
          1. Constantine de Lampron (about 1180 - 1250), Lord of Lampron,
          2. Alix de Lampron,
            • married to Constantine de Barba'ron (about 1180 - 1263), Seigneur de Barba'ron
              (See Part 2 #
          3. Constantine de Lampron
            1. (about 1220 - 1250), Lord of Lampron,
              • married to Eschive de Poitiers (? - 1262)
            2. Hethum de Lampron
              1. Kyranna de Lampron (? - 1285),
                • married to Leo III, King of Armenia (1270 - 1289)
                (See Part 2 #
              2. Alice de Lampron (? - after 1312),
                • married to Balian d' Ibelin (1240 - 1302)
              3. Alice de Lampron
                1. Guy d' Ibelin (1286 - 1308), married to Isabelle d' Ibelin
                2. Guy d' Ibelin
                  1. Alice d' Ibelin,
                    • married to Hugh IV de Lusignan (? - 1359), King of Cyprus and Jerusalem (1324 - 1359)
                    ( For information on her descendants see The Genealogy of the Family of Lusignan, Part 7)

Part 3 - The Lusignans

The descendants of Isabelle (Zabel), Princess of Armenia
and Amalric de Lusignan (? - 1310),
Regent of the Kingdom of Cyprus and Jerusalem (1306 - 1310), Prince of Tyrus:

  1. Henry de Lusignan (? - 1323)
  2. Guy de Lusignan (Constantine II),
    1st Latin King of Armenia (1342 -1344)
    • married first to ... Cantacuzene,
    • married second to Theodora Syrgianes
      (2 children)
  3. Hugh de Lusignan (? - 1318), Lord of Crusoche,
    • married to Eschive d' Ibelin (? - 1324), Dame of St. Nicholas
  4. John de Lusignan (? - 1343),
    Regent of Armenia,
    • engaged to Alice d'Ibelin,
    • associated (or married) to Soldane of Georgia
  5. Bohemund de Lusignan (? - 1364/5), Lord of Korikos,
    • engaded to Marguerite d'Ibelin,
    • married to Euphemia, daughter of Balduin, Marshal of Neghir
  6. Marie de Lusignan (? - after 1309),
    • married to Leo IV (1297 - 1307), King of Armenia (1305 -1307)
    (See Part 2 #
  7. 2. Guy de Lusignan (Constantine II)
    1. Maria-Zampea (after 1333 - after 1382/87)
      • married to Manuel Cantacuzene (? - 1380), Despot of Moreas (Peloponnese)
    4.John de Lusignan
    1. Leo VI de Lusignan (1342 - 1393),
      King of Armenia (1374-1393),
      married Margarite of Soissons (I daughter)
      and he had also 2 illegitimate children
    2. N. de Lusignan, Patriarch in Cairo (may be identical with Bohemund de Lusignan (? - 1364/5)
    3. Nicole, Sir (may be an illegitimate son of one of John's brothers instead of his)
    4. 4.1. Leo VI de Lusignan
      1. Marie de Lusignan (? - before 1381)
      2. Guy (? - after 1405), Captain de la tour d' Amblay (illegitimate son)
      3. Stephan, Knight in Sis (illegitimate son)
    5. Bohemund de Lusignan
    1. Barthelemy,
      Regent of Armenia (1373) (illegitimate son)

Part 4

The descendants of Alice of Armenia (1182 - after 1234)
and Raimund (? - 1197), Count of Tripolis:

  1. Raimund Rupen "Rex Junior of Armenia" (1199 - 1221/2),
    Prince of Antioch,
    • married to Helvis de Lusignan
  2. 1. Raimund Rupen
    1. Maria de Poitiers (1215 - ?),
      • married to Philippe de Montfort, Lord of Tyrus and Toron (? - 1270), Lord of Castries, Pretender to the throne of Armenia
    2. Eschive de Poitiers (? - 1262),

Part 5

The descendants of Sibylle of Armenia (? - 1290)
and Bohemund VI (1237 - 1275),Prince of Antioch:

  1. Bohemund VII, Count of Tripolis, titular Prince of Antioch,
    • married to Marguerite de Brienne
  2. Isabeau de Poitiers
  3. Lucie de Poitiers (? - 1299), Princess of Antioch (1288 - 1289), Countess of Tripolis,
    • married to Naroj de Toucy (? - 1293), Seigneur di Terza, Admiral of Sicily
  4. Marie de Poitiers (? - 1280),
    • married to Nicholas de Saint-Omer (? - 1294)

Part 6

The descendants of Hethum the Historian (? - 1314):

  1. Oshin of Korikos (? - 1329),
    Regent of Armenia (1320 - 1329),
    • married first to Marguerite d'Ibelin (? - 1320),
    • married second to Jeanne of Anjou  (? - 1323) (daughter of Philip of Taranto)
  2. Isabel of Korikos (? - 1310),
    • married to Oshin,
      King of Armenia (1308 - 1320),
    (See Part 2 #
  3. 1. Oshin of Korikos
    1. Alice of Korikos (? - 1329),

Part 7

The descendants of Baldwin, Marshal of Neghir:

  1. Constantine III (? - 1363),
    King of Armenia (1344 - 1363),
  2. Euphemia of Neghir,
    • married to Bohemund de Lusignan, Lord of Korikos
    • (See Part 3 #5)

List of the Kings and Queens of Armenia-Cilicia
Name of Ruler Title of Ruler Duration of Regimen Connection with the Previous
Ruben I Prince of Armenia 1080 - 1095
Constantine I Prince of Armenia 1095 - 1100 Son
Thoros I Prince of Armenia 1100 - 1120 Son
Leo I Prince of Armenia 1120 - 1140 Brother
Stephen I Prince of Armenia 1140 - 1145 Son
Thoros II Prince of Armenia 1145 - 1169 Brother
Ruben II Prince of Armenia 1169 - 1170 Son
Mleh Prince of Armenia 1170 - 1174 Uncle
Ruben III Prince of Armenia 1175 - 1184 Nephew
Leo II Prince of Armenia 1185 - 1198 Brother
King of Armenia 1198 - 1219
Isabella Queen of Armenia 1219 - 1252 Daughter
Philip King of Armenia 1222 - 1225 Husband
Hethum I King of Armenia 1226 - 1270 Husband of his dowager
Leo III King of Armenia 1270 - 1289 Son
Hethum II King of Armenia 1289 - 1293 Son
Thoros III King of Armenia 1293 - 1294 Brother
Hethum II King of Armenia 1294 - 1296 Restored
Smbat King of Armenia 1296 - 1298 Brother
Hethum II King of Armenia 1298 - 1307 Restored
Constantine I King of Armenia 1298 -1299 Brother
Leo IV King of Armenia 1287 - 1307 Nephew of Hethum II
Oshin King of Armenia 1307 - 1320 Brother of Hethum II
Oshin of Korikos Regent of Armenia 1320 - 1329 Unknown
Leo V King of Armenia 1329 - 1341 Son-in-law
Constantine II (Guy de Lusignan) King of Armenia 1242 - 1344 Nephew of Hethum II
Constantine III* King of Armenia 1344 - 1363 Son-in-law of Oshin
Constantine IV King of Armenia 1363 - 1373 His murderer and husband of his dowager
Peter I de Lusignan** King of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia
Lord of Korikos and Adalia
1361 - 1369 His father was cousin of Constantine II
Leo IV de Lusignan*** King of Armenia 1374 - 1393 Distant Cousin (2nd)
James I de Lusignan**** King of Cyprus and Armenia 1396 - 1398 Distant Cousin (2nd)
Janus de Lusignan King of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia 1398 - 1432 Son
John II de Lusignan King of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia 1432 - 1458 Son
Charlotte de Lusignan Queen of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia 1458 - 1464 Daughter
From 1361 the Kingdom of Armenia existed only in name. The country was occupied by the Turks, except of few fortified towns.
Hugh IV de Lusignan, King of Cyprus (Peter I's father) and Constantine II were grandsons of Hugh III de Lusignan, King of Cyprus and Jerusalem. (See The Genealogy of the Family of Lusignan .) Peter I conquested from the Turks the fortress of Korikos and the town of Adalia, which became the last outposts of the Kingdom of Armenia.
He was elected King by the Armenian barons, as grandson of Leo III. He brought the Armenian throne into the Lusignan family.
He was a brother of Peter I. In 1393 Leo VI died living no heir and the title revolved on James I. James I was proclaimed King of Armenia in 1396 in the Cathedral of Holy Wisdom in Nicosia and passed on the title to his successors.
By that time however of the Kingdom of Armenia nothing had remained but the citadel of Korikos. This was captured by the Moslems in 1458 and the crown of Armenia became only a nominal title and ended with the fall of the Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus in 1489.

Main Sources:
[1] de Collenberg, Rudt, The Rupenides, Hethumides and Lusignans, Paris 1963
[2] Newman, P., A Short History of Cyprus, Longmans, Green & Co, London 1940
[3] Pavlides, Andros, I Istoria tis Nesou Kyprou (The History of the Island of Cyprus), (encyclopedia)
[4] Setton, History of the Crusades
[5] Tompsett, Brian, Directory of Royal and Genealogical Data, (webpage)

Special Thanks to:
Alexander Golovanov, Pat from Canada and Valerio Lunchinetti

© 2000 Pandelis A. Mitsis
For suggestions and additions please contact the author

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