Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Descent of Henry II of England to Bradley (PDF)

Descent of Henry II of England to Bradley (PDF)

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(Unknown), Aachen, Aaron, Abrancis, Adams, Adele, Adgate, Adilsson, Aethelreda, Agnes, Aigle, Albon, Aldgyth, Alencon, Alfgifu, Algautsson, Alges, All Fair, Allen, Allerdale, Alpaide, Alsace, Andechs, Anderson, Andrews, Angelina, Angelos, Angouleme, Anjou, Ansell, Anstey, Ansty, Antioch, Apleby, Aquitaine, Aragon, Arglwydd, Arnstein, Aron, Arragon, Arsic, Arthemia, Artois, Aston, Atheling, Athelstan, Atwood, Aubigny, Auchy, Audley, Aumale, Austrasia, Auxerre, Avelina, Avesnes, Avesnes comte de, Avesnes hainaut, Avranches, Baggilegh, Balliol, Bar le duc, Bar sur aube, Barcelona, Bardolf, Barrett, Bartley, Baudement, Bavaria, Bayeaux, Bayeux, Beauchamp, Beaumeis, Beaumont, Beldeg, Beli, Belmeis, Beltsa, Benauges, Bentheim, Beorn, Berenguer, Berkeley, Bert, Besford, Beverly, Bigod, Billeau, Biornsson, Birchard, Blanchan, Blanche, Bledri, Blessing, Bliss, Blois, Bodegisel, Bodenham, Bogardus, Bogert, Bokland, Bolbec, Bolebec, Bond, Bouillon, Boulogne, Bourbon, Bourgogne, Brabant, Bradley, Bradstreet, Braman, Brampton, Brancestre, Brand, Brandon, Braose, Braut-Onundsson, Bretagne, Breteuil, Bretton, Brewster, Brienne, Brionne, Brittany, Briwere, Broke, Brooke, Bruce, Bruley, Brus, Bruyelle, Bullock, Burgundy, Bushnell, Byrchard, Byzantine empire, Cadivor, Cadwgan, Calkins, Calverly, Cambria, Caradawg, Caradoc, Carinthia, Casere, Castile, Castile galicia, Catherwood, Ceawlin, Cenred, Ceolwald, Cerdic, Ceva, Chacomb, Chamberlain, Champagne, Chaplin, Chateau du loire, Chateaudun, Chatellerault, Chatillon, Chaumont, Chawcer, Chaworth, Chernigov, Chetwode, Chetwood, Chloderic, Chyrfold, Clare, Clermont, Clifford, Coles, Cologne, Columbers, Colwyn, Comet, Conde, Confessor, Constantinople, Conteville, Cook, Corbet, Cotton, Coucy, Coucy pinon, Coucy vervins, Courtenay, Crepi, Crispe, Cuhelyn, Cumania, Cumberland, Cunningham, Cuseau, Cuser, Cutha, Cuthwine, Cuthwulf, Cynan, Cynric, d'Esne, Dafydd, Dalriada, Dammartin, Dansson, Danvers, Darte, Davenport, David, Davis, Davison, de Berlaymont, de Bourgogne, de Duras, de Franchimont, de la Lee, de Lannoy, de Ligne, de Looz, de Meschines, de Mingoval, de Molembais, de Ramerupt, de Roucy, de Venuz, Delano, Deming, Despencer, Despenser, Devon, Dickinson, Dmitrievna, Donjon, Drakelowe, Dreux, Drevlians, Du Bois, Dubois, Dunbar, Dunkeld, Dunstanville, Duston, Eadgifu, Eadhild, Eadnothson, Eadred, Eadwig, Eafa, Eaton, Edgiva, Edith, Edwards, Edwin, Egbert, Einion, Elder, Elesa, Elesason, Elfrida, Elgiva, Elystan, Engaine, Engayne, England, Envermeu, Eoppa, Equisheim, Erdley, Esla, Estey, Estmond, Estridsen, Ethelbald, Ethelbert, Ethelred, Ethelswida, Ethelwolf, Evereaux, Eysteinsson, Falaise, Farmoutier, Farrar, Faucigny, Fergan, Fergant, Ferrers, Fiennes, Finch, Fines, Fisher, Fiske, Fitch, FitzAlan, Fitzalan, Fitzalured, FitzBarnard, FitzBernard, FitzGeoffrey, FitzHarding, FitzJohn, FitzJudhel, Fitzosborne, FitzPatrick, FitzPons, FitzRobert, Fitzroger, FitzRoy, FitzWalter, Flaitel, Flanders, Flandre, Fleche, Fleisch, Flotte, Foote, Forcalquier, Fougeres, France, Franks, Freawine, Fredville, Freeman, Freothelaf, Fridleifsson, Frigg, Frithogar, Frithuwald, Frodasson, Fynche, Gael waiet, Galloway, Gand, Gand (Ghent), Garciez, Gardinis, Gardino, Gefion, Gelre, Gelre en zutphen, Geneva, Geneville, Germany, Gernon, Gewar, Gewis, Giffard, Gifford, Glass, Gloucester, Gobion, Goda, Godbold, Godfrey, Gore, Gouche, Goz, Great, Gregory, Gressinghall, Grey, Grindon, Gronwy, Gruffydd, Gudrodsson, Guise, Gunnora, Guzman, Gwrgant, Gwyn, Hainault, Hainaut, Halfdansson, Halloway, Harley, Harrington, Hatch, Hauteville, Havarsson, Haye, Helgasson, Herdislee, Hereward, Heristal, Hesbaye, Hesding, Hibbard, Hieme, Hill, Hills, Hoffman, Holand, Holland, Holme, Holy roman, Hommet, Hood, Howes, Hrolfsson, Hugh, Hulins, Hungary, Hungerford, Hunter, Huntingdon, Huntington, Hyde, Hywel, Idnerth, Ifor, Induberga, Ingjaldsson, Inglid, Ingvarsson, Ironside, Isham, Isles, Italy, Ithel, Ivarsson, Ivor, James, Jans, Jansen, Jerusalem, Juatt or Marsh or Evans, Kastamonitissa, Keiffer, Kellet, Kembold, Kent, Kiersted, Kierstede, Kiev, Kiew, Kimball, King, Kirkner, Knyvet, Krueger, Kynveton, L isle, Labau, Lacy, Lancaster, Landen, Lander, Langley, Langston, Lanston, Laskarina, Lathrop, Le bon, Le brun, Lee, Leffingwell, Legh, Lens, Leon, Leon and castile, Leon castile, Limburg, Lincoln, Litch, Llawen, Llewelyn, Llywarch, Loan, Locels, Londres, Longdyck, Longespee, Lorraine, Lothier, Louis, Louvain, Louw, Lowers, Lucelles, Lucy, Luff, Lumbert, Lusignan, Luxembourg, Macdavid, MacMurrough, Madelet, Madog, Madog maret, Magnificent, Mahieu, Maine, Man, Manasses, Manning, Mantes, Marche, Maredudd, Maredydd, Marlatt, Marlett, Marsden, Marshal, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Martyr, Marvin, Massie, Mathew, Mauch, Maud, Maurienne, McGillis, Mercia, Merle, Merlet, Merley, Merston, Mervyn, Meschines, Metz, Meyers, Mile, Milhaud, Missenden, Moha, Moncon, Montacute, Montanolier, Montdidier, Montfort, Montgomery, Montlhery, Montpellier, Montvillers, Moray, Morel, Morgan, Mormaer, Mortaigne, Mortain, Morteyn, Mortimer, Morville, Morvis, Moselle, Munderic, Murdac, Murom, Namur, Nanna, Naples, Naples and sicil, Navarra, Navarra navarre, Navarre, Neufmarche, Neustria, Nevers, Normandy, North, North wales, Northumberland, Novgorod, Novgorod and psk, Oberlothringen, Oda, Olafsson, Oldham, Osburga, Oslac, Otoole, Ottarsson, Ouldham, Owain, Paen, Palatina, Palatine, Palmer, Paris, Parke, Parker, Partridge, Peaceable, Peche, Pemberton, Perche, Petley, Peverel, Peveril, Philip, Philpot, Picts, Piquigny, Planches, Plantagenet, Poland, Polotsk, Ponce, Ponthieu, Pontz, Portugal, Post, Provence, Province, Pskov, Putten, Quackenbush, Quartermain, Quarterman, Quincy, Rapalje, Read, Redburga, Reid, Rheims, Rheineck, Rhun, Rhys, Richards, Riddlesford, Robbe, Robert, Roberts, Robinson, Roche, Rockwell, Roeloffse, Roelofs, Rognvaldsson, Rohan chabot, Rohan porhoet, Rolfe, Rollos, Rollosson, Romsey mortain, Roosa, Rostov, Rothwell, Roucy, Rouen, Rowley, Royce, Rudd, Rumilly, Rumley, Russell, Sabran, Saeming, Saint clare, Saint saveur, Salins, Salisbury, Salmesbury, Salter, Saluzza, Samwell, Sanford, Savoy, Saxony, Scotland, Scott, Scudder, Seagrave, Seaxnete, Segrave, Semur, Senecy, Senlis, Serbia, Shaftesbury, Sheaffe, Shelley, Sicile, Sicily, Sigelline, Sigrlami, Sims, Sire, Skjold, Skjoldsson, Slemme, Smedes, Smith, Smolensk, Smythe, Sneyde, Snydom, Sowter, Spencer, Spineto, Spinney, St arnulf, St beggue, St Denis, St liz, St Ouen, St pol, St Quentin, St valery, Staller, Stavelegh, Stokeport, Strange, Stretle, Stuteville, Swabia, Sweden, Sybbrantse, Symonds, Taillebois, Taillefer, Talvas, Tappen, Ten Broeck, Thatcher, Thessalonique, Thomas, Thompson, Thorgilsson, Throckmorton, Tillieul or bigo, Timmell, Tompson, Tomson, Toni, Totnes, Touchet, Toulouse, Tours, Towne, Tracy, Trahaiarn, Traves, Trivers, Trouemer, Turenne, Turnar, Turrenne, Ulsiusson, Ungle, Unknown, Unready, Valence, Valerie, Valoines, Valois, Valtrude, Vampage, Van Buren, Van Der Poest, Van Gelder, Van Zul, Varennes, Vas, Vaughan, Vaux, Ve, Venables, Venaissin, Verdun, Vere, Vermandois, Vermundsson, Vexin, Vienne, Viennois, Vili, Vitre, Vitrie, Vladimir volynsk, von Hennegau, Wac, Wade, Waiet, Wake, Walden, Wale, Wales, Waleton, Walker, Wallecourt, Warburton, Warenne, Warren, Warwick, Wasseburg, Wecta, Weothelgeat, West franks, West holy roman, Whatman, Wheateley, White, Whitfield, Whitmore, Whitney, Whotlock, Wig, Wilson, Winslow, Winta, Winter, Woden, Wulfhild, Wynkoop, Wynslow, York, Zouch, Zouche

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